The Apuseni mountains always enjoy your eyes with countless wonderful passages that simply cut your breath, but also with many activities perfect for fun in any season.
At the Mărişel ski resort, winter lovers can enjoy a ski slope with a great view to the Beliș Fântânele accumulation lake, but also to the peaks of the Apuseni mountains.
The slope is located on the Mărișel plateau at an altitude of 1300 m. At its base, at elevation 915 there is a parking lot and buildings for cable transport but also snow facilities.
At Mărișel there are 3 ski slopes:
The Blue Slope (1600m) is ideal for beginners;
The Red Slope (1500m) has a medium difficulty;
The Black Slope (1300m) is dedicated to the advanced.
Also here are present for tourists and two teleski cable transport systems and a chairlift installation.
The access here can be done by two existing routes, the county road DJ 107P Mărișel, or the county road DN 1R Beliș-Fântânele.
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