Looking for deals on chalets in Beliș Fântânele area? The website CazareBeliș.ro offers you the cottages in Belis and its surroundings, together with all the necessary information.
Here are displayed the main data about these units, the complete description, updated contact data, relevant images inside and outside the unit, user reviews of the site and other profile platforms, distances to various points of interest and many more.
For ease of searching and choosing the desired place we give you the opportunity to use search filters. You can discover the cottage that is right for you depending on:
area (accommodation in the center of Beliș or different points of interest of the area)
distance from sightseeing and points of interest;
positioning in relation to other points on the interactive map;
number of stars and classification
Tourist cottages are accommodation and public catering units, usually located in the most suitable places to facilitate hiking or sports, in particular mountain ones, organized to provide permanent tourist services. During the hot season, the cottage administration can accommodate tourists and in cottages or tents, located in the immediate vicinity of the cottage.